
Wednesday, May 9, 2012


210 West Drachman
Tucson, AZ

Grill is open from 10:30am to 1:40am
Bar is open from 10:30am to 2:00am

I entered the Meet Rack, a little hesitant from the appearance: bright yellow paint, a little yellow Ford Festiva with purple rims parked out front, that had "The Meet Rack" posted on the windshield with a bald guy's face on the hood.
I step in, and there are pictures EVERYWHERE....of EVERYTHING!!!! from a hot college girl with a 8 inch tongue, to a certain "Govenator" getting frisky with a waitress, to even John McCain's Medal of Honor license plate, there is so much history....some amazing, most offensive, all of it just plain awesome!

It was early in the day, which explains why it was a little slow inside, but the bartender, Roxanne, greeted me very nicely, and asked what I would have to drink. I asked for a coke, and she said RC? Sure! the best cola ever? Don't mind if I do. "She says $2 American."

We chat for a couple minutes, and I state that I was told about this place from a friend and they said this was the most awesome bar in Tucson. From the looks of it, at that moment, I could agree that it was the "most interesting", but the awesome factor had not presented itself at that point. Later today, AWESOME would present itself in drastic fashion.

She tells me that "GOD" was resting, but could give me the grand tour later in the day. This "GOD" must be the bald guy with the handlebar mustache and white goatee, who's picture is everywhere...including the face on the car when I strolled up originally.

Half and hour later, out comes an older gentleman, bald with a large white goatee...ah this must be the legendary "GOD" that everyone speaks of. I introduce myself and ask if I can ask him some questions about the famous (or infamous) Meet Rack. He says that he was just headed out to take a jog (I hope I can still have the energy to do that midday in Tucson when I'm his age!!!) and said that he would love to talk to me "anytime but right now" A customer says, "how about now?" I laugh, he laughs, and says "I walked into that" lol

We agree to meet later after his jog, around 3pm.

People who got the brand!!
I arrive back around 2:45, to an awaiting "GOD" He introduces himself as Jim Anderson. We go sit down at a table and begin chatting. I could quite literally talk to this man for hours, he is by far the most interesting man I have ever met. He has ran bars most of his life, was in the military, was a boxer, an actor, an ordained minister, has ran for mayor of Tucson 3 times, and so much more...way too much to list! He spoke of how the bar industry has changed over the years, how he has ran his bars with an ability to survive, as many much larger bars went under. (such as when M.A.D.D. rallied for the minimum drinking age to increase from 19 to 21)

He then gives me "THE TOUR" This is when Jim shows me everything in the bar.
Bring in your A.A. coin, get a drink on "GOD"!!
"THE DUTY ROOM", an amazing sex room, with a gyno chair, spinning wheel, sex swing, even a set of stocks!!!! he says there is one rule about this room, "No kissing a girl above the waist" (THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!!) You can get branded...actually BRANDED!!!, if you do, he will buy you a drink, and you get a discount for the rest of your life! There were A.A. coins nailed into the wall at the front door. I have to ask why. He says that if you bring in an A.A. coin, he will buy you a drink. F@$#ING EPIC!!! We then stroll to the women's bathroom, where he puts a coin in the condom machine inside, it makes a little alarm sound-kinda cool. But when we left the bathroom however, LIGHTS AND SIRENS EVERYWHERE!!!!! SOFA KING FUNNY!!!
100's of bras hang from the rafters!
This bar has so much going for it, no wonder that it has been in business, unchanged, for so many years. Jim and his crew do it right, by keeping it simple: they only serve one tap beer, (Pabst Blue Ribbon) one bottle beer, (Heineken) only well liquor, but pair the liquor with premium ingredients. (fresh fruit and juices, amazing mixers, etc) I asked him why he only serves these selections. His response was, "The product of the bar is not the booze, it's the party!"

Their grill menu consists of 6 items: hamburger, cheeseburger, patty melt, tuna melt, grilled cheese, and soup. His intent is not to be a restaurant, but to provide you what you need, when you need it.
Greasy, yummy, GOODNESS!!!

I ordered the cheeseburger, (how often can you say that GOD cooked you a burger!) and for bar food, it was really, really GOOD!! He says that the mix is an 85% sirloin/15%cod fat blend, grilled and doused in worcestershire sauce as it cooks. it is then topped with a slice of American and a slice of Swiss, and placed on a bun that has been dipped in clarified butter and grilled.

The texture contrast was very nice, with the gooey cheese, moist, flavorful beef, and crispness of the grilled kaiser bun. Popping with flavor, this was a great bar-food experience.

Jim said that his bar is meant to be offensive, generalized offensive, never targeted. He was quoted saying, "The way you get people's attention, you gotta offend them a bit." He told me of a girl that came in and said that she had been here 3 days and had not been offended yet. He told her "you're too f@$#ing stupid to be offended." She stormed out and came back the next day saying, "I got it" ROFLMAO!!!!

My long lost father??? If only I was that lucky!
AWESOME is the only word that can be used to describe The Meet Rack. There is so many things to see, jokes being told all day, great bar food, friendly staff.....THIS IS THE BEST BAR I HAVE EVER HAD THE PLEASURE TO VISIT!!!
Make sure you stop here, get offended, and have a blast while in Tucson!!!


  1. GET SOME!!!

  2. Once upon a time, Someplace Else existed. It was my hangout when I was stationed at Davis Monthan AFB. So memorable I am mentioning it in a novel I'm writing. Glad its successor exists and thrives!
