
Sunday, May 20, 2012


Herro again!
So while in Austin, Peter and his buddy Nick suggested we go to an arcade that they describe as AMAZING!, and since that is by far my favorite word to describe any place I would want to frequent, I am totally down to go. Some of you may know that I am not a video game kind of guy, but they really like this place, and I gotta give everything at least one chance right?
TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!  I had an absolute blast!!!

3101 Speedway
Austin, TX 78705
(512) 380-1725

  • Sun - Thurs 3PM - 1AM
  • Fri & Sat 1PM - 3AM
  •  Open 365 days a year!


    As we step in, there is a small room with seven or so games in it, Peter makes a beeline for one of them, DJ MAX TECHIKA 3, it didn't seem to be my type of game, but Peter says this is one of the most popular games here. I check it out, and played it some. While difficult, it was really fun! Peter and Nick want to play it more, so I moved on into the much larger room, that had dozens upon dozens of different fighting games, anime games(had no idea what the object of the game was lol)  There were some that I recognized, many that I didn't, but I wanted to try as many of them as possible. There was a small group of people playing TEKKEN 6:BLOODLINE REBELLION, and another group of amazing players beating each other's faces in on SUPER STREETFIGHTER IV ARCADE EDITION, and knowing that I would stand no chance beating any of them, I decided to play other games for a bit, like NINJA TURTLES (1991) and MORTAL KOMBAT (2011).
    Peter and Nick played a couple of games I had not seen, and were having a grand time, laughing and talking trash, while I browsed the other games, slipping in a token to whatever caught my eye. I would sit down and play, someone would challenge me on a fighting game, and I would get destroyed,,,except at TEKKEN 6, because EDDY is a boss lol

    This is a great stop for any video gamer, or someone who just likes to play games and visit somewhere cool in Austin to have fun. They have a great selection of games, very clean environment, friendly customers, this was an overall satisfying stop on my journey of discovery.

    Until next time....

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