
Monday, May 14, 2012


I am chillin with my brother and family, waiting for departure to Austin/San Antonio this weekend, and we decided to make EPIC burgers for dinner....check these out!!!
 We started with 1/4 burger patties, then topped them with candied bacon, cheddar cheese, grilled onions, grilled green chili, then put a POUND of freshly pulled pork, then topped with more cheddar cheese, and finished with french fried onions...YUM!!!!
 My brother's wife's parents came over, and munched as well...everyone was more than full and very happy with the epic-ness called dinner at the Arrowsmith house!
Along side of the monstrosity called a burger was some tasty chili-mac, and some baked beans....this is my kind of comfort food....tons of protein, lots of starchy goodness!

I think that later I am gonna regret putting this into my body, but right now, I am in total FATBOY BLISS!!!!!

Till next time!!!!

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