
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 2

Hey guys!
Not much has happened since my last post, got out of Albuquerque (finally!) And hit the road towards Tucson. The adventure begins!
I am currently on a layover in Las Cruces, and my good friend Jim Finstrom came and picked me up, caught up for a bit, made some card trades, and he showed me a couple businesses owned by Magic players...pretty awesome!
I wish the Magic community here in Cruces was a big bigger, it almost seems that Magic has taken a backseat to other things, but with Potter and Jim still here I think it still has the potential to have a healthy community....if the players want it that way.
Well time to get back on the road, next stop...Tucson!
P.s. any suggestions on what I should do while I am in Tucson?

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