
Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Greetings again!
what a turnout!
This last week, we had the pleasure to judge with an amazing crew at SCG Worcester!
There was an awesome turnout for both day's events, over 500 for the standard, and over 300 for legacy!
James McKay...the sole Canadian judge
We got to work with some of the best judges I have got to work with, with Jared Sylva off the stage and Head Judging the standard, and Gustavo Otero commanding the legacy. With these fearless leaders, and an amazing support staff, including Ben Klein, Steven Zwanger, Casey Brefka, Francisco Iramain, James McKay, and so many more!
judges getting ready!

Gustavo giving announcements
There were a couple situations that came up over the two days, and some interesting judge calls and board presence, that I thought I would mention:
Player activates Gideon Jura, making him a 6/6 white soldier creature, then phantasmal images the Gideon...what happens?
Two dead Gideons lol

I personally took THREE Geist of Saint Traft angel lapsing trigger calls...THREE!!!!
You must represent the angel token when attacking with Geist, otherwise you are attacking for only 2!

28 pristine talismans!!!
My favorite was a board presence that was baffling when I walked by it. The AP had a pile of paper bits on the field. I asked him what they were, and he informed me that it was TWENTY-EIGHT pristine talismans. He had 2 Prototype Portals out and had a Pristine Talisman under each....F$#&ing EPIC!!!

that panda hat was a such a whore this weekend
There was numerous marked cards penalties dished out, but not as many decklist/deck registration penalties as I thought there would be. But 2 ACTUAL  player communication violation penalties....unheard of!

Tony Pagliocco getting a ruling
This tourney was a great success for me, mostly because of Jared Sylva, who wouldn't allow me to work my usual side events. I was bummed, but at the end of the tournament he told me why. He doesn't want to see me get horseshoed into sides all the time because I enjoy and volunteer for them, he would rather see me grow and become a well-rounded judge. I appreciate that, and will take his advice in mind in future events.
Special thanks to my team lead day 2 Casey Brefka, who basically shadowed me on day 2. I learned alot from you and am thankful to have a team lead that puts in the effort to help teach a young judge how to become a better judge.

sexy panda
sad panda
molestation panda!
We are planning to visit a city or two before we head off for Indianapolis for the SCG Open and Invitational this upcoming weekend.
judge decklist shenanigans
epic control battle!

Till next time!!

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