
Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Greetings again!
We decided that after SCG Worcester, we would go to some other city to kill some time before heading to SCG Indianapolis. We chose Chicago....for PIZZA!!!! Sure there will inevitably be other stuff to see and do, but when I think Chicago, being the fatbody I am, I auto-thought PIZZA!!!
We asked around, checked online, and ended up at a little shop called BEGGAR'S PIZZA.

310 S. Clinton Ave
Chicago, IL 60661
Mon-Thur 11am-11pm
Fri-Sat 11am-12am
Sun 11am-10pm

"I do hope that this place is as good as people say" goes through my mind as we approach the small pizza shop on Clinton Ave. It would be very disappointing to have my Deep Dish Pizza virginity taken by a sub-par pie. "This experience has to be special", I think to myself, for I can never get my Deep Dish cherry back. "Is this the right one"? "Maybe I am rushing into things". NO MIKEY!! This store has been around for over 35 years, I can smell the delicious smells of dough baking and the sweet aroma of tomato sauce in the air as I approach. "Maybe I am not ready, is this really the one for me"?  The nervousness of the experience to come is growing stronger as I reach for the door and pull..."BEGGAR'S, please be's my first time".
We step in the door, and see a friendly face welcoming us to Beggar's. There are 7 or so pizzas on presentation, and the counterperson is throwing another pie up in the display. That is the one I gotta have! Looking at it, this Pizza has to be 2 1/2-3" tall! Red on top? Where is the cheese??? I am so confused!
She tells us of the special, the thin sausage and mushroom, but I have already made my mind up....GOIN WITH THE THICKNESS! Peter and I order the Deep Dish Sausage and Cheese ($3.70 slice) a large fountain drink($1.99), and against my typical self (I am not a huge fan of sweets) the chocolate gelato($2.99).  Beggar's has the typical chili pepper and Parm shakers, but in addition have garlic shakers and oregano shakers....shake to taste!
We sit down, and prepare to devour the monster slice of pie before us. There are people in the bar area watching Game One of the NBA finals, and there is a 20 person party celebrating graduation as well. Too many people to just go primal and destroy this pie, tearing it apart swiftly as a lion would do to his latest victim.
Peter decides to eat this monster slice as he would a typical slice, I opt for the fork and knife method. I cut in, and see a 1/2" layer of crust, 3/4" of cheese (there it is!) 1/4" of italian sausage, and covered with a red sauce. I raise the fork-full up to my mouth.........
The medley of flavors explode in my mouth: tons of cheese, the sausage is uber flavorful,  sweet, slightly tangy (hint of merlot) red sauce, the oregano and garlic I sprinkled on, all coming together is Fatboy bliss! Why have I waited this long for this? This shoots up the list as one of the best things I have eaten! I finish my slice, and unlike almost everything else I eat....I AM FULL. WTF?!?!? This makes no sense at all. My 280# ass has never only eaten ONE slice of pizza! How did you manage this Beggar's? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME???? I am in love with you CHICAGO STYLE DEEP DISH PIZZA!!
After the orgasmic experience of the slice, the gelato falls by the wayside, it was good, but having to follow the pizza, it simply stood no chance.

I will be in NY soon, and have gotta try the biggest competition, and personally settle the Chicago vs NY pizza battle. But it will be an unhill battle NY, its hard to change the mind of a FATMAN IN LOVE!!!!

Until next time!!!

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