
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

StarCityGames Open Series: Washinton DC!

Greetings again my friends!
I write today of my recent trip to our nation's capital, Washington DC for StarCityGames Open Series: Washington DC! I have been looking forward to this trip for a while, as I have never been to DC, and knew that with my love for amazing and unique architecture, landmarks, and water displays, this would be a greatly satisfying trip....and I get to judge Magic!!!
I arrived a little early to check in to the hotel, so I decided to be a uber tourist, and go see the sights. The view of the capital building was amazing, but I really got taken in by the Navy Memorial...can't help but get emotional being that I myself am ex-Navy. That moment of appreciation almost became a moment of distraction as I arrived at the hotel, only to find out I had been pickpocketed. GRRRRR!!! I didn't let it get me down, this was to be an amazing weekend, and the loss of $60 and cancelling a credit card wasn't enough to dampen my spirits.

I roomed with Gustavo Otero De Leon, one of the most amazing judges I have ever had the pleasure to meet, and he has made plans to join Michael Mills (Milsy) at Fogo De Chao for dinner. I have heard of this place, heard it was amazing, but a little pricey, but why not? Meat on swords....SIGN ME UP!!!! The food was amazing, and more than plentiful, I almost regret eating that much MEAT...I said ALMOST lol!

We head back to the hotel, and get rested for the Standard portion of the event the following morning. I had the same problem I always have, and had trouble sleeping. Even after all the trips I have made over the last couple months, I still can't get over the excitement, anticipation, and sheer pleasure of getting the opportunity to do what I love doing!
I arrive at the event, and see the staff list again, and nope, I wasn't mistaken...there are 8 L3 judges on staff! This will be a great opportunity to learn from this VERY senior staff, and really hone my skills as a judge. I am told that I am on Floor team, with my team lead being the Northeast Regional Coordinator, Shawn Doherty. He divides his team into mini-teams, each with a L2 and a L1 on them, and I get paired with Charlotte Sable, a L2 from Canada. I had worked with her before, and the experience wasn't the greatest, but after talking to her after that event, she assured me that she was just off that weekend, and this one would be better. She really shined this time around, and I am looking forward to working with her again at GenCon in a couple weeks. I feel that I can really improve my rules knowledge by working with such knowledgeable judges such as Charlotte.
Everything goes relatively smoothly, and I finish my day chatting with Martha Lufkin, the HG for tomorrow, and securing myself a Team Lead position for the following day, but getting to judge Top 4 of the standard the following morning!
Day two starts, and I judge the Top 4, and then go to meet up with my team for Paper Team Team Lead. I think to myself, "Maybe I bit off more that I can chew" as I see my team list : Shawn Doherty (L3), Brian Schenck (L3), Josh Parker (L1), and James Hedges (L1), with James testing for L2 today. they had Shawn and Josh alternating on Coverage for the day, so I had one of the two of them each round. Other than a problem with a early round paper malfunction, and some floor coverage issues middle of the day, everything went super smooth! I absolutely loved having these guys on my team, at no point did any of them make me feel inferior or as a rookie, even with the baffling combined experience between these stellar judges. I hope that I get the pleasure to work with every single one of them again very soon.
The tournament ran pretty smooth, except a problem with a thief, and the ABUNDANT AMOUNT OF CALLS ON COUNTRYSIDE CRUSHER!!! We had like 5 appeals on the missed trigger at upkeep, so very frustrating, it's like Geist of Saint Traft questions, only in Legacy! But Martha ran a great tournament, and did an amazing job...expecially being that this Legacy Open was the LARGEST IN SCG HISTORY!!!!
I deadheaded out of DC after the tournament, and decided to visit some family for a day or so, before heading off to Kansas City this upcoming weekend.
Until next time, STAY MAGICAL MY FRIENDS!!!

P.S. If you have noticed, on my facebook, my display name is now my real name instead of BALDY MCBUTTERPANTS. He had to depart us, so I ask you to take a moment and pay your respects to the memory of BALDY. He will be missed. -MEA

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